Delivered foundation piling for four buildings on time and budget, using eco-friendly concrete mixes and offsetting the remaining carbon footprint with credits.

Ground Lease Model Two Social Housing

The project

In partnership with Homes Victoria, our client will deliver 408 modern and energy efficient homes, providing more social, affordable, market rental and specialist disability accommodation homes. Keller provided a design and construct foundation solution to support the four buildings on the Port Melbourne site.

The challenge

The project involved an accelerated design process, with final adjustments to loads and levels to align with the start of on-site works, ensuring seamless project progression. Additionally, the project required delivery against tight timeframes, and progressive handovers of the building footprints.

The solution

Through multiple design iterations, and a collaborative relationship with the client and their designer allowed Keller to maintain an economical solution which met client needs. Keller’s extensive in-house resources were able to carry out the necessary changes across a large quantity of piles without effecting construction programme. The ultimate solution of nearly 600 piles, up to 40m deep was delivered by three of Australia’s largest piling rigs.

Project facts


Homes Victoria

Keller business unit(s)

Keller Australia

Main contractor(s)

Icon Construction