Our people are our most valuable asset. We are committed to creating a work environment and culture that brings out their best and keeps Keller a great place to work.
Equal opportunities
We employ and promote every employee solely based on his or her merit and personal contribution. Equity recognises that we are all unique and have different needs, experiences, and opportunities. Equity allows everyone to have access to the same opportunities. Keller’s selection process is non-discriminatory and is based on the skills, knowledge, experience and individual personal traits required for each role regardless of gender, race, age, religion or any other basis which is protected under the anti-discrimination acts.
Harassment and unlawful discrimination
We create a working environment which is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment.
We treat people with dignity and respect and do not tolerate action or behaviour which could be viewed as unlawful harassment or discrimination. We all take responsibility for challenging unlawful harassment and supporting others who do so.
We do our best to respect local traditions and cultures and try to be particularly sensitive to actions or behaviour which may be acceptable in one culture, but unacceptable in another.
Diversity is understanding, recognising and valuing differences both visible (e.g. Gender, race and age) and non-visible (e.g., beliefs, mental health, sexual orientation, values, preferences). It means we recognise everyone as an individual.
Diversity of people, skills and abilities is a strength which will help us to achieve our best. Given our broad geographic footprint and our policy of employing local managers, we are culturally very diverse as a Group.
Where required, Keller will provide training and support in relation to employment equity and diversity, for any employees responsible for recruitment, training, performance management, grievance, disciplinary or dismissal procedures.
Modern slavery and human trafficking statement
We expect all of our directors, officers and employees and those working on our behalf to comply with the law and act ethically and with integrity at all times, as set out in Keller’s Code of Business Conduct. Our modern slavery and human trafficking statement sets out the steps Keller has taken and continues to take to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in its business or any part of its supply chain.