Driven steel piles are installed using impact or vibration hammers to a design depth or resistance. Keller installs the complete suite of driven piles from small diameter tube piles to large diameter steel cassions to support your project.

Common uses
Driven piles gain geotechnical capacity efficiently by displacing the soil around the shaft and compacting the soils at the toe during installation. Steel tubes can be driven either closed or open ended. The energy to drive the piles is provided by either a high frequency oscillating hammer or a percussion hammer . If penetration of dense soil is necessary and it is often desirable to reduce the required installation energy, pre-drilling may be required for the pile to reach the design depth. The finished foundation element is designed to resist either or all of the imposed compressive, uplift, and lateral loads.
Driven piles can also be used to provide lateral support for earth retention walls. Sheet piles are the most common type of driven piles for this application.
Quality assurance
We have extensive experience with driven steel piles, evolving the technique to ensure that high quality standards are achieved at all times.
We deliver consistently high quality results whilst constructing driven piles. Our Federal Safety Commision (FSC) accreditation, company standards, processes, policies and procedures have been specifically developed to deliver this, incorporating innovations like the continuous pile monitoring system that produces an electronic record of the pile installation by recording the key installation metrics using on board telemetry. Within all industry sectors Keller works strictly to Australian Standards along with the relevant project or industry specifications (DTMR, RMS, VIC Roads, Main Roads WA etc).
Keller can offer fully qualified in house design via certified engineers that can deliver quality piling and ground improvement solutions. Our design and engineering certification capability includes offering static tests, dynamic pile testing, continuous driving testing inclinometer testing and comprehensive propping/bracing and anchor design to complete the full QA package.