Stabilising a former coal mine for industrial development with precision drilling, grouting 162,000m³, and barrier construction at depths up to 220m.

Briswest Mine Infill, Swanbank QLD

The project

The BrisWest Mine Infill Project, led by BrisWest Developers, aims to fill sections of an existing coal mine located in the Swanbank region. The mine lies beneath the surface at varying depths, from 50m at its shallowest point to 220m at its deepest. Upon project completion, BrisWest plans to develop an industrial estate over the filled sections of the mine, with the project focused on delivering a robust geotechnical solution.

The challenge

The main challenge was accurately intercepting the mine to install barriers at depths of 220m below ground. Keller had to drill at various angles, employing multiple drilling techniques along with in-house developed monitoring systems to ensure precision.

The solution

Minefill grouting was implemented to stabilise the ground conditions in preparation for a future industrial warehouse development. The project required detailed planning and close collaboration with the developer to address all stakeholder concerns, ensuring Keller could successfully execute the grouting of the mine voids.

Project facts



Keller business unit(s)

Keller Australia

Main contractor(s)

Keller Pty Ltd